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You have the choice between the Bolshevik Revolution or the Cold War

Concept notes are a synthesising note on a key concept, idea, or event. A concept note is a useful form of assessment because it allows students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of a key term relating to their studies in a succinct and to-the-point manner. It is recommended that you choose a topic or term relevant to your essay. This will link your research and planning for your concept note and your essay. The work on your concept note will also provide you with some important material for your final essay.

For example, a concept note on the Bolshevik revolution as one of the most significant events of the 20th century might include, but not limited to, the following two key parts:

A brief account of the Bolshevik revolution, i.e. a brief statement on what this event was and its course

A brief discussion of the scholarly accounts of and/or debates on the causes and consequences of the revolution in terms of its impact on world politics during the short twentieth century.

A few concluding statements providing your own view on the historical significance of the revolution in light of your preceding discussion.

Concept notes are relatively short pieces of writing, but this can be deceptive. You will find you need to read widely, develop a concise style, and possibly produce several drafts of your concept note to achieve what is required. 

Please stick to 500 words for the word count and add 2-3% plagiarism as usual.

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