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Breathing Made Easy for Marion, Indiana’s Asthmatic Children

Student Name

Professor: first name last name

NUR 465: Population health: Local, national, and global approaches


Looking Back at Marion, Indiana’s History >or a brief Introduction to your community<

The city sits on the north bank of the Mississinewa River and was established by . . … (citations)

Its first business was _________ but has been replaced by _________industry as the main source of tax revenue for the city.

In spite of its average population, businesses, and income Marion struggles today with__________

Asthmatic Children

Asthmatic children were chosen because of increasing incidence of Emergency Department (ED) visits noted . . .

Marion’s underlying air quality is . . . (citation)

Incidence of asthma in US children 12 and under is (citation)

Incidence of asthma in Marion’s children is . .. (citation)

Current approaches to treat this at Riley’s Children’s Hospital in (Indianapolis, IN) Asthma Clinic . . . (citation)


In addition to the patients and their families the other stakeholders in the community would be



School system

Children’s athletic programs


The organization you are partnering with


The nonprofit organization which will underwrite the proposed plan is the Asthma and Allergy Foundation

Mission . . . . (citation)

Goal . . . .(citation)

Nursing Diagnosis

Deficient community health among children (up to 12 years) in Marion, IN related to poor air quality and insufficient parental knowledge, as evidenced by rising emergency department visits of asthmatic children.


To reduce by 50% the incidence of emergency department visits by Marion’s asthmatic children without additional financial duress upon children’s family by Month Year.

(consider, Is the goal Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, Time ,and Resource Constrained)

Outcome Objective One

Riley’s Children’s asthma clinic roster children and families/ care givers will participate with use of mask at home when pollen counts exceed XXXXX for next 12 months to achieve a 50% reduction in ED visits by Month Year.


Survey potential resource options for purchase of masks

Assess current knowledge base of participants

Instruct on use of mask and benefits

Instruct on importance of following pollen counts

Instruct on importance of awareness of asthma triggers


Outcome Objective two


Outcome Objective three



Objective One

Track and compare frequency of ED visits by asthmatic children in the program with last 3 years to validate a 50% reduction in ED visits

Objective Two

Objective Three

Key Informant- (this could be a previous interview or a new one, your choice )

Dr. V has been in pulmonary medicine for 15 years and the director of the asthma clinic for the last 3 years (personal communication, date).

Advised the filters be worn every night when pollen counts exceed XXXX, primarily spring and fall, to improve personal ventilation for each participant . . ..

Recommended _______

Emphasized __________

Asthmatic Children (at-risk population)

At-risk population

I spoke to three members of the at-risk population of asthmatic children and their parents. The discussions were held at the soccer field in Marion during after school practices on xx/xx/20xx. The following is the information disclosed to me, specifically about their children.

Information gleaned

e.g., Riley’s is quite a drive for us to get our daughter there for her regular clinic visits, one of us has to take off work.

No matter what treatment we have tried, our daughter continues to have flare ups of her asthma.

The medications and equipment to do the breathing treatments is out of our price range and we lost our family’s health insurance 18 months ago.

etc. Specifics they told you and ideas you can to use for your plan.


Initial contact with underwriters

Intervention one

Intervention two

Intervention three

Objective One

Intervention one

Intervention two

Intervention three

Objective Two

Intervention one

Intervention two

Intervention three

Objective Three

SMART Goal: Final review of stats and comparison of data for evaluation

January 31, 20xx

February 14, 20xx

February 21, 20xx

March 31, 20xx

February 14, 20xx

February 21, 20xx

March 31, 20xx

March 31, 20xx

March 31, 20xx

March 15, 20xx

March 20, 20xx

March 1, 20xx

March 31, 20xx


The asthmatic children in Marion, IN will see improvement by . . . . .

The long term outcomes and future impact of this strategic plan will be .. . .


Author. (date). Web page title. Retrieval date, from URL

Author. (date). Article title. . . .. . . .




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