Informed Consent Form
I am conducting a study about Cyber Security. I invite you to participate in this research. You were selected as a participant because you were victim of breach of cyber security in the Twitter Spear Phishing and the Zoom credential hack companies. Please read this form and ask any questions you may have before consenting to be in the study.
This study is being conducted by: researcher: Prem chander Boinapally.
Background Information:
The purpose of this study is bring awareness of how cyber infiltrators have developed many ways of hacking into systems. In this day and era, cyber security helps maintain order, and keep the internet safe for users. The current digital era has influenced change in the ways we buy things, bills get paid, watch movies, how people pay mortgages and rent houses just to mention but a few. Incidents of security breaches are widely reported as well as fraud, malicious cyber-attacks, fraud, hacking, and cyber-bullying making it necessary for the need of cyber security.
If experts participate in this study, I will ask you to do the following things. Provide relevant information and assessment for answers provided for in the questionnaires or provides relevant answers when called or when an interviewer conducts the survey face to face. Information provided will remain confidential. You may ask questions of the researcher at any point in the study. One will need to sign a consent form before the survey.
Risks and Benefits of Being in the Study:
The study has several risks. First, the victims may get traumatized and emotional. Second, big corporation may fire their employees for giving out information of breaches in their system not made public. Third, threats maybe issued by corporations who feel the need to bury this kind of information.
. You can also contact my advisor Dr. Olabisi Adenekan email which is
You will be given a copy of this form to keep for your records.
Statement of Consent:
I have read the above information. My questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I give consent to participate in the study.
Printed Name of ParticipantDate
___________________________________________Signature of Study ParticipantDate
___________________________________________Signature of ResearcherDate