word count 150 words
APA format
textbook : the art of public speaking 13 edition by stephen e. lucas
Please plan to respond to at least two (2) peers each week to demonstrate active participation, and respond in threads other than the thread where you submitted your main post to gain knowledge of various topics we are discussing. Additionally, keep in mind that if I respond to your post by Friday of the active week and ask you to explain or clarify something in your initial post, you should plan to respond to that post as well, as it is likely to earn you more points for initial discussion. Posts to me do NOT count as peer responses.
In general, each discussion response should:
reflect on the concept you learned about from your readings and lectures
offer an example to support your position
answer all questions in an original voice (written in YOUR voice, not simply paraphrased from the text)
correctly cite all sources of reference in-text and at the end of your post as a reference
end with a final statement that talks about what you learned or what you take away from this lesson
demonstrate excellent attention to both writing and style