Write a program with a graphical interface that allows the user to convert an amount of money
between U.S. dollars (USD), euros (EUR), and British pounds (GBP). The user interface should
have the following elements: a text box to enter the amount to be converted, two combo boxes
to allow the user to select the currencies, a button to make the conversion, and a label to show
the result. Display a warning if the user does not choose different currencies. Use the following
conversion rates:
1 EUR is equal to 1.42 USD.
1 GBP is equal to 1.64 USD.
1 GBP is equal to 1.13 EUR.
It is the programmers responsibility to ensure that no matter what the user enters, the
program does not crash.
Call the main program Converter.java. You will need another class for the frame.
Follow all directions in the COP3337 Class Rules for Submitting Programs.
Please remove any package statements in your program. The program must compile and run
from the command line no matter what IDE you use.
Note that a program that does not compile and run and do some part of the assignment will
not earn any points.
All applicants go through a series of tests that check their level of English and knowledge of formatting styles. The applicant is also required to present a sample of writing to the Evaluation Department. If you wish to find out more about the procedure, check out the whole process.