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Case Study about Tarahumara

Description:  Tarahumara

Students will be assigned a particular group of peoples to be examined: provide a brief ethnographic report; identify a biological variation/adaptation specific to that group, and provide a critical analysis for the interrelation among the biological, and cultural mechanisms at play.

Who are the Peoples?  Where are they from? How do they live, eat, work etc
Language, worldview, kinship, economy etc
2) Identify biological variation/adaptation specific to the group- (i.e. cold adaptation)

3) Identify possible impact of culture on biological variation: Provide a critical analysis employing interdisplinarity

Maximum 2 pages: Please be concise in your writing; some information can be relayed in point form when appropriate. (i.e. listing genetic factors; ). Title page, references and index do not count towards your writing portion.

Reference & Citation: American Psychological Association

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