Commodity AssignmentChoose a commodity to write about from the list below. The assignment should be700 to 1500 words,typed MLA format. Students will be describing in great detail onesignificant event in which the chosen commodity significantly changed in price. Thisprice change should be described using the supply and demand model. Did achange in demand or a change in supply cause the change in price? Which variablein supply or demand caused the change in the market? Also provide details on whythe commodity is valuable and why people are willing to pay for it, where is itproduced; and what factors impact the supply and demand for the commodityinternationally.
The assignment will graded based on the completeness and depth of the analysis ofthe commodity market, focused topic, cohesiveness, spelling and grammar. Keyeconomic language is essential to describing these markets.
CornZincRough RiceTinSoybeansAluminiumRapeseedNickelWheatCobaltMilkMolybdenumCocoaRecycledSteelCoffeeGoldCottonPlatinumSugarPalladiumCrude
Oil SilverEthanolPalm OilNatural GasRubberPropaneWoolCopperAmberLeadCoalUranium