Guided Response: Review your classmates posts and respond to at least two of them. One of the classmates you respond to should be in the same group you are and one of them should be from the opposite group. Use the Lesson Plan Rubric to evaluate their lesson plan. Copy and paste the rubric into your response and highlight their level of proficiency for each section. In addition, provide written feedback for each section on the rubric that justifies the score you gave them. For any areas of the rubric that were not marked as proficient, state how the lesson could be modified to meet proficiency. In addition share how you could see their lesson plan fitting into a thematic unit. Please make sure that you are respectful to your peers when providing them feedback using the Lesson Plan Rubric, and that your suggestions for any areas of improvement are positive and connected specifically to criteria listed within the rubric itself. Carefully review the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread.
Lesson plan rubric and student’s work is attached