Congratulations, the Administration has created a new position in the federal government (please play along, we know this is not possible within our system), Minister of Health. As the new Minister of Health, you are completely autonomous in your decision making and need no approvals or legislation to effectuate any change within the U.S. health care system (federal, state, and/or local). Within the first 90 days, the Administration wants you to present your initiatives in three broad categories:
1) Changes to the system that improve access to care,
2) Changes to the system that improve the quality of care, and
3) Changes to the system that decrease cost and improve outcomes.
Please be creative- the format and length of the assignment is flexible as long as you clearly address the key element of the question.
All applicants go through a series of tests that check their level of English and knowledge of formatting styles. The applicant is also required to present a sample of writing to the Evaluation Department. If you wish to find out more about the procedure, check out the whole process.