In an organization, incorporeal means services that are not in material form, they have no body or substance. Some of the examples of incorporeal that are captured in organizations include coats of arms, hereditary titles of honor or dignity, heritable office titles, pensions, annuities, franchises and rent charges. Incorporeal property is also referred to as intellectual or conventional property in an organization these may be inclusive of all the valuable interests that are protected by law. To capture the incorporeal property in an organization, there is need for an organization to first create the physical or tangible property such as computers, having employees, and other properties that require to be protected Al (Darmaki,2021). The organization then creates laws, that are not tangibles, the rules and copyright that are used to protect the tangible properties available in the organization. To have intangible property, an organization therefore have tangible property, as most of the intangible properties are laws governing the use of tangible properties in an organization.
Strategic benefits on the other hand refers to those marketplace benefits that imposes a decisive impact on the likelihood of an organization’s future success. These ate the resources that are mainly the future of an organization’s current and future competitive success to other producers of a similar product. Strategic benefits are captured in an organization by providing the vision of the future for the organization. That is, when an organization wanted to set the future visions, it will consider the strategic benefits. An organization also capture strategic benefits when confirming the purpose and value in the organization, when setting objectives, clarifying threats and opportunities in the organization, when determining methods to leverage strength and when mitigating weaknesses. (Darmaki,2021).
Al Darmaki, S. S. A., & Noor, K. M. (2021). Organizational Excellence And Its Role In Achieving The Competitive Advantage Of Abu Dhabi University: Applied Study To The Faculties Of Abu Dhabi University. Perdana: International Journal of Academic Research, 12(1), 24-45.