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MKT 345 Module Four Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric Overview: For this assignment, due in Module Four, you will submit a brief paper in which you first analyze the various stages of the consumer buying process and then develop 8 to 10 survey questions that can be used when evaluating a purchase decision for a product. This assignment will help prepare you for your Milestone Two presentation on the consumer buying process. Prompt: First, read the article Consumer Buying Process and watch the video 7 Tips for Good Survey Questions. In a brief paper, address the following:

 Which stage of the consumer buying process do you believe leads most directly to a consumer’s purchase decision? Explain your reasoning.

 How does an understanding of these stages help companies determine consumers’ different influences and motivations in making purchases?

 Which survey questions should you ask in order to obtain the most important and relevant information for your selected market segment for the final project? Include 8 to 10 sample questions.

 How will the survey be administered? How will results be collected?

 Justify your use of the survey: Why does the survey need to be conducted? What are you trying to answer with the survey? Be sure to discuss demographic profiling and the type of scale used.

Cite from the article, the video, and other research to support your response. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Describe the stages of the consumer buying process that lead to a purchase decision and examine how an understanding of these stages informs a company’s marketing campaign.

II. Create 8 to 10 survey questions that target a specific market segment for a consumer product. III. Describe how the survey will be conducted and how the results will be collected.

Rubric Guidelines for Submission: This short paper should be 1–2 pages in length, double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman Font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA style.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Stages of Consumer Buying Process

Meets “Proficient” criteria and description contains original ideas that provide clear insight into the stages of the consumer buying process

Describes the stages of the consumer buying process that lead to a purchase decision and examines how an understanding of these stages informs a company’s marketing campaign

Describes the stages of the consumer buying process that lead to a purchase decision but does not sufficiently explain how an understanding of these stages informs a company’s marketing campaign

Does not describe the stages of the consumer buying process that lead to a purchase decision


Survey Questions Meets “Proficient” criteria and survey questions are well developed and relevant to the particular consumer product

Creates 8 to 10 survey questions that target a specific market segment for a consumer product

Includes 8 to 10 survey questions that target a specific market segment for a consumer product

Does not include 8 to 10 survey questions that target a specific market segment for a consumer product


Conducting the Survey: Results

Meets “Proficient” criteria and uses industry specific language to establish expertise

Describes how the survey will be conducted and how the results will be collected

Describes how the survey will be conducted, but not how the results will be collected

Does not describe how the survey will be conducted or how the results will be collected


Articulation of Response

Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to read format

Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas


Total 100%

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