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slide long power point within 8 hrs Introduction Main critique theme Critique theme is focused and clearly explained Significance Makes clear what motivates them to explore main theme/question and significance Background Explains background on the problem Body content and article evaluation Overall each section of body content provides details of all 3 articles, articles are thoroughly but concisely compared, contrasted and evaluated clearly Introduce articles Give article details (citation), provide each paper’s objective/hypotheses Article methods Methods summarized and evaluated completely for all 3 articles Article results Results are summarized and evaluated, tables/figures used from papers to help with critique Article discussions Discussions are summarized and thoroughly evaluated for all 3 articles Summary Summarizes strengths and weaknesses of each article, makes a concluding statement overall about the critique theme Speculation Suggests what should be done next, points out new questions raised by work Citation slide Any studies mentioned during the presentation are listed and all publication information given in a ‘References’ slide Organization of presentation Purpose of slides Purpose of each slide is clear to the listener (title of slide contains premise) Continuity Effective transitions between slides contribute to a continuous sequence of connected ideas, slides flow well Roadmap Provides a roadmap/preview then several reminders/singpost during the talk so that the listener never feels lost Figures Every figure and image is clearly labeled and all figures are fully explained by the presenter Attractiveness slides are laid out well, text is easy to read and colors do not clash, there are no distracting transitions Timing 15 min