Quality Criteria Checklist: Primary Research Validity Questions | | | | | | | | | | EVIDENCE WORKSHEET SCORE: _________ |
Journal Article Title ___________________________________________________ |
Journal Article First Author _________________________________________________ |
Publication Year: __________________________________________ |
Journal Published: _______________________________________________________ |
Name of Primary Reviewer: _________________________________________________ |
Directions for Reviewers. For each Journal Article included in the systematic reviews, use one checklist. There are 30 questions |
related to the quality of the study. Check Yes, No, Unclear or (N/A) for each question. Then score yes responses as 1. |
No and unclear responses are scored with 0. N/A is not scored. Sum the responses and divide by the total number of questions answered. |
| | | | | | | | | | YES | NO | UNCLEAR | N/A |
1. Research question |
| 1.1 Was the research question clearly stated? |
| 1.2 Was the authors' alternative hypothesis clear? |
| 1.3 Was the target population and setting specified and appropriate? |
2. Selection of study subjects |
| 2.1 Were the inclusion/exclusion criteria specified with sufficient detail? |
| 2.3 Did the exclusion criteria NOT pertain to the main exposure or the main outcome? |
| 2.4 Was the study sample representative of the target population? |
3. Response Rate |
| 3.1 Were the response rates described? |
| 3.2 Did response rates NOT differ by characteristics associated with the disease or exposure? |
| 3.3 Did authors attempt to characterize the portion that did not participate? |
4. Was the method for handling withdrawals described? |
| 4.1 Were follow-up methods described with sufficient detail? |
| 4.2 Was lost to follow-up NOT differential between the diseased groups? |
| 4.3 Were lost to follow-up NOT related to the main exposure? |
| | | | | | | | | | YES | NO | UNCLEAR | N/A |
5. Was blinding used to prevent the introduction of bias? |
| 5.1 For intervention studies, were subjects and others blinded to treatment groups? |
| 5.2 Were the methods for assigning subject to groups described as randomly assigned? |
| 5.3 Was there NO evidence of non-compliance? |
6. Can causation be observed by the investigator? |
| 6.1 Does the study design allow the investigator to infer causality? |
| 6.2 Is the length of follow-up sufficient to produce an effect? |
| 6.3 Did the exposure precede the disease? |
7. Exposure and outcomes |
| 7.1 Were primary outcomes and exposures described and relevant to the question? |
| 7.2 Were the exposure measurements based on valid data collection instruments? |
| 7.5 Was there NO potential for misclassification of the exposure? |
8. Confounders |
| 8.1 Were other factors (confounders) related to the disease and exposure identified? |
| 8.2 Were appropriate methods used to control for confounders? |
| 8.3 Did authors discuss residual confounding? |
9. Statistical analysis |
| 9.1 Were statistical analyses adequately described? |
| 9.2 Were measures of effects reported with levels of significance or confidence intervals? |
| 9.3 Was clinical significance as well as statistical significance reported? |
10. Conclusions |
| 10.1 Are the conclusions adequately supported by findings in tables and figures? |
| 10.2 Are biases and limitations adequately discussed? |
| 10.3 Were there no apparent conflicts of interest? |
| 80-100% is a rigorous study |
| 70-80% is a marginally rigorous study *as long as 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 are yes. |
| 70% or lower is not a rigorous study |