import sysimport Pyro5.errorsfrom Pyro5.api import Proxy# Check that the Python file exists.import os.pathif(os.path.isfile("")==False):print("Error you need to call the Python file!")# Check that the class is called rental. That is, the file contains the expression "rental(object):"file_text = open('', 'r').read()if("rental(object):" not in file_text):print("Error you need to call the Python class rental!")sys.excepthook = Pyro5.errors.excepthookrental_object = Proxy("PYRONAME:example.rental")rental_object.add_user("Conor Reilly", 123456)print(rental_object.return_users())rental_object.add_manufacturer("BMW", "Germany")print(rental_object.return_manufacturers())rental_object.add_rental_car("BMW", "3 Series")print(rental_object.return_cars_not_rented())print(rental_object.rent_car("Conor Reilly", "3 Series", 2019, 1, 3))print(rental_object.return_cars_rented())rental_object.end_rental("Conor Reilly", "3 Series", 2019, 2, 4)rental_object.delete_car("3 Series")rental_object.delete_user("Conor Reilly")print(rental_object.user_rental_date("Conor Reilly", 2010, 1, 1, 2029, 2, 1))
All applicants go through a series of tests that check their level of English and knowledge of formatting styles. The applicant is also required to present a sample of writing to the Evaluation Department. If you wish to find out more about the procedure, check out the whole process.